There are many ways in which insurtechs are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to disrupt the current insurance environment. As a business, you can add muscle in the areas you are trying to grow, expand your geographic reach, and disrupt or defend your market. To discuss how Accenture can help you innovate using ecosystems, please get in touch. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new In fact, many carriers that have piloted siloed technology have not generated the expected value from these investments. They will intentionally seek partners with the assets, domain expertise or technical capabilities to support their ecosystem strategy. 2 Insurance executives say technology is the most important thing to get right in an ecosystem. Ping An of China is a well-known example of an ecosystem orchestrator in the insurance industry. This is exciting for consumers, because it introduces the possibility of an end-to-end insurance proposition that covers everything from risk protection to risk advice and prevention, and a broader range of services. An example of a closed system is Apple’s iOS operating system, where apps can only be downloaded from Apple’s App Store. Ecosystems can play a pivotal role for insurers that want to become more customer-centric. The emergence of large numbers of insurtechs offering a wide variety of solutions and capabilities is a genuine opportunity for incumbent insurers to innovate through collaboration. For more, see Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, and Sanget Paul Coudary, Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy—and How to Make Them Work for You (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2016). US-based Vitality is an ecosystem that offers a range of possible deals with incentives for health-conscious consumers. To learn more, I recommend exploring these resources: Evolve to Thrive in the Emerging Insurance Ecosystem, Accenture’s Wise Pivot cross-industry research, Senior Managing Director – Insurance Lead, Europe. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. This is no surprise, because the nature of insurance is data-, IT- and intelligence-intensive. Use minimal essential Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. Planning to lead as many ecosystems as possible. Due to their technology and organizational requirements, ecosystem and platform business models are not easy to build up and scale. Next Post - Agile insurers see innovation as critical for their survival. For example, by combining activity data from the ecosystem with outcomes data reflected in claims, insurers can assess the effectiveness of health interventions, smart-home devices for homeowners insurance, or safe-driving apps to reduce damages. How can I practically integrate the customer in my ecosystem? This success is allowing it to diversify into new spaces, tapping into a number of data-driven insurance and risk management products in the drone industry, from an on-demand insurance app for micro-SMEs, to an exposure-based enterprise product for the world’s largest drone fleets. The roadmap should clearly outline how the ecosystem will incubate, launch and scale ecosystem propositions, products and services. The integration of technology and the running of the business occurred in parallel. Design thinking is a natural component of ecosystems given their very existence can be traced to an obsession with customer centricity. For example, insurers noted the highest levels of disruption in the areas of products and services (60 percent) and customer service (57 percent). Other players may then be in a better position to provide a more nuanced and valuable customer experience, to impose their brand, and to own the customer relationship. As such, joining or forming an ecosystem starts with a clear vision that ties the move with audacious goals for the core business. Once the target vision is clear, insurers can enable ecosystems by creating organizational foundations and the technological basis. For example, Nest Protect’s technology detects smoke and carbon monoxide, and sends alerts to customers’ phones. No matter how sophisticated a business is, its possession of the right ecosystem capabilities is not a given. A smart approach to technology deployment is also key to ecosystem enablement, particularly because of technology’s central role in building and maintaining ecosystems. As traditional industry borders fall away, ecosystems—and the digital platforms that often enable them—will greatly influence the future of insurers (see sidebar, “What is an ecosystem?”). Some examples date back to 1980 when information providers built platforms linking auto insurers to collision repair facilities to streamline the repair process. As insurers and their ecosystems become agile and start taking advantage of the digital tools available, the reality is that the tools are just going to keep improving. The business started in the drone industry, trying to understand real-time drone flight risk. You're free to set up a network of providers that meets the needs of your company as well as your policyholders. The insurance industry has one of the highest ratios of cost of labor to final price, meaning that there is a great deal of trapped value inside the insurance value chain. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. Insurers need to offer consumers a greater variety of more relevant and attractive experiences and offerings, according to Accenture. The most fascinating (and potentially disruptive) developments lie at the intersection of new technologies, where they combine to offer new, integrated and diverse value propositions. For example, Tesla launched the InsureMyTesla program in 2017, aiming to simplify insurance for its customers; policies are underwritten by providers including Liberty Mutual Group and AXA. At this stage, design-thinking methods can help to better understand the customer and determine which use cases would be worth offering. A successful wise pivot should be supported by a new approach to organizational change, which we call the rotation to the new. Such capabilities are among the aspects that insurers struggle with most when trying to realize benefits for their business at scale. Participants in the reinsurance process for captive or pooling services are able to access the same data, in real time, across the business. While these examples are presented as risks to businesses, they may also be turned into Unleash their potential. And this is just the beginning: the industry’s susceptibility has also escalated. The internet of things, analytics, and other leading-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, are transforming insurance—yet the industry as a whole is lagging in adoption. “Form 20-F,” United States Securities and Exchange Commission, April 12, 2019, Auto Insurance Solutions with a very different business, product, distribution, and customer engagement models. As the world gets increasingly connected, the current data void between these two touchpoints is about to be filled. First, transform the core of the business to drive up investment capacity. For example, if a customer is flying a drone from A to B, they can enter relevant information relating to factors such as weather and location. Transformation is an ongoing journey that requires agility and constant innovation.
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