Master Fortify 8. Yria is talented too in merging both together creating the unique abilities of Arcane Archery. While Dark Side users perform the technique to pull information from their targets mind or plant suggestions that are otherwise untrue. So read through the list and let us know which Force powers you feel are the strongest, and which ones should be thrown in the Legends bin. But, outside of it, this power is one of the most useful in all of the Fire Force. These abilities can be bound to your 'Player Tool' feats using any resting campfire or checkpoint. Pyrokinesis is the ability to create fire from thin air. When most people think of Force abilities, especially those who strictly watch the movies, it is more often than not telekinesis that they see. Test your Force knowledge and see how many of these strange Jedi and Sith abilities you’ve come across in your galactic travels. While the technique is highly powerful, it can only be utilized on those whose minds are easily manipulated and open to suggestions. They allow characters to do astonishing things such as play tricks with the minds of others, move heavy objects, see into the future, and even blast foes with terrible arcs of lightning. This was a rare ability demonstrated by Quinlan Vos, and it allowed him to experience an object's past whenever he touched it. However, the technique has been most famously used by Vodo-Siosk Baas, whose Force imbued walking stick was strong enough to block and parry Exar Kun's lightsaber. This rubbing creates enough friction to initiate a blaze without any real incendiary material. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn have been seen to use this technique, as well as Ahsoka Tano. The aspects of the Force were divided into Control, Sense, and Alter by the Jedi Order. Hey guys, I wanted to put together a list of Force abilities and properties shown in each movie. An ancient technique utilized by the Jedi's of the Old Republic, Force Weapon is a ceremony that allows the user to channel and ultimately bond the Force unto a particular weapon. The most skilled users of this technique utilize it to blend almost seemingly into their surroundings. These powers and abilities that have been seen in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords respectively. Although this is extremely dangerous. An individual with a deeper understanding of the Force would have not been surprised by Luke Skywalker's Force Projection in The Last Jedi. This quorom of power must then detonate the bomb, instantly unleashing the full power of the Dark Side. It is known that Luke Skywalker was able to perform this technique. Energy Resist 16. It has been said that Sith Alchemy can even be used to bring about the undead. The new abilities are Deflection, Persuasion, Drain and Corruption. This orb will house the Force spirits of the fallen. The distinct difference between the two is that general Force Telekinesis is the manipulation of an object other than the Force user, while levitation is the self-manipulation of the user themselves. A Dark Side technique, Force Lightning remains one of the most visually impressive weapons in a Sith's arsenal. Whether it is a Vader Force Choke, Luke reaching out to his lightsaber, or Obi-Wan jumping up numerous stories, they all derive from the same power base. This ability brings a level of interconnectivity to the universe and hints at the long-term repercussions that any one particular act can have. Hi! For example, Mace was able to sense that former Jedi, Count Dooku, was a shatterpoint in the war between the Republic and the Separatists. The skill, which is extremely difficult and only possible to the most accomplished masters, allows the user to maintain flight for a small distance.