Oliver : In 2013, you stated that the legal world would change more in the next 20 years than it has in the past two centuries. As the role of the legal professional changes and grows, a need for technology knowledge is high on the list of requirements for legal industry job positions. The 2017 International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) Technology Survey found a growing market readiness for artificial intelligence (AI) and/or machine learning technology. Today’s legal assistants and paralegals need to be proficient in a variety of computer and technology skills. Learning law is no more a classroom process exclusively. Technology has transformed the traditional paralegal role into that of the ultimate multi-tasker: a staff member who not only needs to have substantive legal knowledge and top-notch organizational and customer service skills, but who can also function as a legal technology specialist. In effect, an appraisal of the role of Information and Communication Technology in Nigerian legal profession, deals with the use of Information Technology in the Nigerian courts, law firms, legal departments and institutions of legal learning. On the other hand, it enables work On the one hand technology allows remote work and reduces the need for business travel. What legal technology is doing is taking over certain legal processes, especially those that ... the advent of AI will have an important role in increasing access to justice. In the legal profession, AI has already found its way into supporting lawyers and clients alike. Technology has not only changed the practice of law, but also the basic legal education system. of the legal profession in technology competency, and ad-dress the role of paralegals in fulfilling these requirements.” Introduction On considering ethical questions of technology com-petence in California, the State Bar Commission on Professional Responsibility issued Ethics Opinion 2015-193 in 2015, titled: “Issue: What Are An Attor- Partners in most firms probably now have a broader acceptance of the role of technology in the effective delivery of legal services than before the pandemic began. Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in fact, becoming a mainstay component of the legal profession. The legal profession is known for its conservatism and traditionalism which many believe must be preserved in order to maintain the prestige of the profession. Beyond law firm operations and the broader role of the legal profession, technology has of course altered the life, both personal and professional, of individual lawyers. Enjoy! Artificial intelligence companies continue to find ways of developing technology that will manage laborious tasks in different industries for better speed and accuracy. Legal technology, as with other forms of modern computing technology, has the potential ... the profession. In Part 1 of the 2-part interview, Richard and Oliver dive into the technology’s impact on the legal profession to date.