A member of OS DBA or ASM groups . impulse is a generic client-side console command that is used to send commands to the server without modifying the usercmd.. (say: !vote)o ulx voteban [] [{reason}] - Starts a public ban vote against target. If you're having problems try to disable add-on's that you think might be causing it. (say: @@@)o ulx gag - Gag target(s), disables microphone. TFA Base [ Reduxed ] ... Might I ask if there's any console commands to swap to attachments? (say: !voteban)o ulx votekick [{reason}] - Starts a public kick vote against target. What you want to see? (say: !spectate). o ulx userdeny* [] - Remove from a user's access. For instance if you wanted to bind your XGUI to the letter 'j' you would type: 'bind j xgui' (Don't include Apostrophes). (say: !votekick), o ulx votemap [{map}] - Vote for a map, no args lists available maps. (Use '=' for output)o ulx rcon {command} - Execute command on server console. If you're having problems that when you use this and in the console it says "Unknown command: +tfa_vox_callout_panel" then it's most likely a conflicting add-on that is doing it, so use this guide to if you don't know how to create a preset. CheckAndDisplayChangeLog - lua/tfa/modules/cl_tfa_changelog.lua:31 2. v - lua/tfa/modules/cl_tfa_changelog.lua:51 3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84 (x1139) what … Sometimes players can use deliberately complex names with an asterix (*) In ULX an asterix means all players. o ulx removeuser* - Permanently removes a user's access. - Hurt and death voices. o ulx debuginfo - Dump some debug information. (say: !motd)o xgui - Opens and/or closes XGUI. tfa help so i want to have bullet penetration and door destruction turned off at all times and it works when i enter sv_tfa_bullet_penetration 0 and sv_tfa_bullet_doordestruction 0 through the servers web console but when the server restarts these are reset. See the trailer for more info! All rights reserved. (say: !gag) (opposite: ulx ungag), o ulx gimp - Gimps target(s) so they are unable to chat normally. Unknown command: -tfa_vox_callout_panel Unknown command: +tfa_vox_callout_panel E-11 NTF Agent Sanders Feb 27 @ 10:00am if your having issues with the addon try uninstalling it and reinstalling it, it worked for me. o ulx kick [{reason}] - Kicks target. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. (say: @@), o ulx veto - Veto a successful votemap (say: !veto), o ulx vote {options} - Starts a public vote. Or you can use the commands: To ungag or ungimp the players imply use: TIP: use an asterix (*) instead of a player name to ungag or ungimp all players. (say: !slay), o ulx sslay* - Silently slays target(s). Some commands/convars are blocked from being ran/changed using this function, usually to prevent harm/annoyance to clients. (say: !jail) (opposite: ulx unjail), o ulx jailtp [] - Teleports, then jails target(s). 3: Make sure 'Enable Developer console' is ticked. (say: !god) (opposite: ulx ungod), o ulx hp - Sets the hp for target(s). We are a semi-serious server, meaning our main goal is to have fun, but not take ourselves too seriously. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Lengths of time are represented by letters, as follows: All you have to do is put a number in front, for example: TIP: Using no letter will default to minutes. (say: !ban). (say: !noclip)o ulx resettodefaults [] - Resets ALL ULX and ULib configuration!o ulx spectate - Spectate target. Either the lens has a missing texture (only the INS2 attachable scopes, and MWR) a bright white texture (DoI, L4D2, NMRIH except for M16 ACOG, Ravager, MW2, Black Ops 1 and 2, WaW, IW DMR-1). (say: !slay)o ulx sslay* - Silently slays target(s). These items stay with you even when leaving/joining the server, server restarts, or dying. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. (say: @)o ulx csay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen. These commands are to be used with gmod_toolmode, they signify the type of STool. To fix that you have to enter these commands into your Developer Console: cl_allowdownload 1 cl_allowupload 1 cl_downloadfilter "all" cl_playerspraydisable 0 r_spray_lifetime 2 r_decals 2048 r_drawdecals 1 mp_decals 99999. Command = " sv_tfa_dynamicaccuracy ",}) panel: AddControl (" CheckBox ", {Label = " Pull up weapon when near wall ", Command = " sv_tfa_near_wall ",}) panel: AddControl (" CheckBox ", {Label = " Strip Empty Weapons ", Command = " sv_tfa_weapon_strip ",}) panel: AddControl (" Slider ", {Label = " Damage Multiplier ", Command = " sv_tfa_damage_multiplier … (say: !hp), o ulx ignite [] - Ignites target(s). " I'm proud of you, get gamma for me" Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis One of the best people I have ever met and i hope to see you on hig h command " One of the realest command member on this server Tier 999 [REDACTED] simp "g l in ci man go take that general spot man" ____________________________________________________________________________, Banning a player is another command that is sometime easier to execute from the chat:-. Garry's Mod weapon base. To kick a player without using the ULX UI simply type:!kick TIP: You don't have to type out the whole player name. Bull - Spotting module help, consulting, ideas, TFA - Lua, Visual Design,Visual Assets, Trailer. How to Bind Commands in Gmod Enable Developer Console This can be done by opening your Gmod Options Menu > Advanced (at the bottom) > Enable Developer Console. Feature-rich. If you see someone with this, simply use your UI as shown previously.____________________________________________________________________________Banning a playerBanning a player is another command that is sometime easier to execute from the chat:-!ban