These resources teach you to build an emergency kit filled with the items you need to survive on your own for several days after a disaster. The person or persons whom you list would only be contacted in case of an emergency such as death, imprisonment, kidnapping, etc. Word. Being prepared means being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster. Answer: You need to include contact information for the person or persons who would need to be informed of an emergency situation and who could, most likely, make important decisions and take action. Keep your supplies in an easy-to-carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate. Emergency contacts should have at least one phone number and if possible multiple phones. Once you’ve selected a contact, indicate their relationship to … 28 Important Emergency Contact List Parties Who Should be Included There must be a lot of people who are reliable in your life. EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST YOUR BUSINESS INFORMATION Name of Facility: Street Address: City, Province & Postal Code: Telephone Number(s): FACILITY MANAGER . Emergency contact list. Scan the emergency sticker with a phone camera and all the emergency contacts, medical details and information will be displayed on the screen. That’s why your list should include a phone number (and email address) for all employees, as well as an emergency contact for each employee. List every phone number in the order that they should be called. If children with disabilities are enrolled, emergency procedures should include specific guidelines for escorting the children to safety, according to the Manitoba Fire Code. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. A family run business created to bring reassurance in an emergency. This is an accessible template. Your Emergency Contact is a Gatekeeper of Information. Emergency service numbers Everyone knows to call 911 if a disaster occurs, but some other emergency services deserve a spot on your contact list, too. Since your emergency contact is the first person the doctors will notify in the event of an emergency, it makes sense that they also have the authority to make decisions about your medical care. Name: Primary Contact #: Alternate Contact #: EMPLOYEES . Your emergency contact should be aware of your privacy concerns. More templates like this. Take the short quiz below to test your knowledge, then scroll down for our full list of recommended supplies. Simple to order and simple to use. At the bottom is the “Emergency Contacts” section; tap “add emergency contact” to create a new contact. Note that you need to have this person’s name and number saved in your phone’s contacts list in order for the app to pull it in. Included are a Family Emergency Plan template and list of emergency kit items. Emergency service numbers. Leave this emergency contact list with a babysitter or house sitter to be sure they know who to call if something goes wrong. Download Edit in Browser Share. Emergency procedures should also be developed in case the children are confined to the centre for Your Emergency Preparedness Guide. Including a contact number and email address – plus an emergency contact for each employee – is a good idea. But since this 28 emergency Contact list is dedicated to your family, it must be important too for the whole member. should ensure that a key is available if the shelter requires it. 911 is an obvious go-to emergency number, but it’s not the only one that deserves a spot on your emergency contact list. Listing mobile numbers, home numbers and work numbers should all be done at a minimum to insure the maximum possibility of reaching someone in a true emergency. As our flagship publication, this guide explains in greater detail the steps Canadians should take to become better prepared for emergencies. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for several days.
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