Commodity Vouchers: Assistance to a targeted individual or household in the form of a paper or electronic entitlement that can be redeemed, in selected retailers, for fixed quantities of specific foods. These may be conditional (i.e. Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is one possible way to respond to these immense needs. We also know there is an inextricable relationship between assistance and protection – any agency doing one without considering the ramifications of the other. Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection . Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a, Global Collaboration Agreement for the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network. This research report examines the feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance in responding to disasters in Fiji. “Cash-based” is used in this document to refer to both cash and voucher transfers. As part of the Grand Bargain, an agreement to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the humanitarian system, the United States and other donors, NGOs, UN agencies, and humanitarian actors committed to increasing the use and coordination of CVA. The use of cash and vouchers is not new, and examples date back to the 19th centuries. Despite recent calls in support of cash transfers, there is little rigorous evidence of the relative impacts of cash versus in-kind transfers, especially in humanitarian contexts, where a majority of such programs take place. vouchers redeemable for certain goods. Background: Practitioners have long recognized that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) — along with services, case management and in-kind — are well positioned to address multi-sectoral needs and may contribute to protection outcomes. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. CaLP CVA and COVID-19 resources page; IFRC/ICRC CVA and COVID-19 resources page; COVID-19 resources page; Sample Cash Dashboard from Somalia . CVA enables choice and, therefore, is more dignified and empowering for people affected by crisis. Household economies and markets are being more closely monitored, allowing cash actors to adjust programming, i.e. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), previously referred to as Cash Transfer Programming (CTP), is a common option for humanitarian response. A WFP staff member tops-up a recipient's SCOPE card at a WFP distribution centre. Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Communication Materials. As with all types of assistance, we place a high priority on humanitarian protection. Cash and voucher assistance. The CWG aims at improving the coordination of cash assistance, quality of implementation of cash assistance and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning, as well as ensuring a systematic and evidence based cash and market programming for humanitarian and longer term planning for the Somalia Response. work: cash-based programming. Vouchers provide access to pre-defined commodities or services, while cash transfers are unrestricted and enable beneficiaries to meet their basic needs such as food or non-food items. Public health messaging has been integrated into different stages of CVA programme cycles, and CVA actors have developed and strengthened COVID-19 guidance for their respective constituencies. According to the official definition of the Cash Learning Partnership, CVA refers to all programmes where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are provided directly to aid recipients. How is Cash and Voucher Assistance used in the Shelter sector? Various actors involved in CVA have made impressive efforts over the past months to understand and develop guidance on the opportunities, challenges and risks in using this assistance method in response to COVID-19. Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. Engagement is needed on several fronts, from identifying opportunities to collaborate around programmatic aspects to exploring how best to link up with national social protection systems in such a way that future vulnerability to shocks can be reduced. According to the official definition of the Cash Learning Partnership, CVA refers to all programmes where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are provided directly to aid recipients. While it’s a common perception that distributing food or supplies is the best way to help people when crises strike, CVA is often the most effective way to help people get back on their feet and on their way to recovery. Today, WFP leads the global food assistance response. DFID. Rated by 2 learners. Local markets are analysed as part of a preliminary needs assessment before a programme is put in place, and local governments are always involved. CVA refers to all programs where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are directly provided to recipients. Members of the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network, comprising 15 NGOs, have strengthened their approaches around collaborative programming, risk analysis, impact on markets and joint analysis in their focus countries,2 in line with the Global Collaboration Agreement for the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network. This is an online discussion group on all things cash and voucher assistance, and a useful way to keep abreast of related discussions and pose key questions to the broader cash and voucher assistance community. A 5-day face to face training on Core CVA skills for programme staff. CaLP & CARE: Video on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Gender 5 March 2021 — By Karen N. Pinzón , Holly Welcome Radice, CARE CaLP’s first training video in Spanish done in collaboration with CARE provides an overview of the relationship between gender and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) structured around the humanitarian project cycle.
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