Reinvent your business. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. Experts disagree on some fundamental elements of this issue. Historically low oil prices will make driving much more affordable. The United States is home to approximately 280 million cars, and annual car sales total about 17 million. Vision without institutionalization may mean missing objectives, because change did not stick with the front line. The 1973–75 recession is the exception, when both growth and profitability were strongly affected. An effective process usually requires a cross-functional team with members from sales, operations, IT, and other areas: Step 1—Break down the journey using customer perspective as a central focus. Increasing customer satisfaction goes hand-in-hand with operationally relevant customer intelligence. It requires significant investments, relentless improvements, and collaboration across customer channels and business functions, from distribution and underwriting to claims handling. expectation that customers will pay more for great on-time stats and more reliable baggage-handling. The rollout of autonomous vehicles could slow down, given their interdependence with driverless fleets. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. Redesigning products. Higher adoption of telematics. Airlines all use the same We strive to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. For example, many carriers overlook the fact that speed of resolution is as important as employees’ courtesy, empathy, knowledge, and professionalism. Insurers may face social pressure, in addition to regulatory pressure, to return or reduce premiums during this period. In other words, customer satisfaction initiatives should be grounded in facts, not gut feelings. Some executives may still see insurance as a low-engagement, We use cookies essential for this site to function well. McKinsey reports two to four times higher growth and 30% higher profitability for insurers that provide best-in-class customer … about coverage, prices, and services. That car that just soared by might be heading for the coach,” the New York Times, April 1, 2020,; and Scottie Andrew, “With fewer cars on the road, motorists are shifting into high gear—driving 100 mph or more,” CNN, April 17, 2020, One global bank improved new product sales and cross-sell numbers and raised consumer and small business customer satisfaction scores, by rewarding branch employees for being friendly, valuing customers’ time, knowing the details of their business with the bank, and making sure customers’ needs were met before concluding transactions. The next 12 to 18 months will be shaped by two unknowns: the timing and the magnitude of the economic correction as well as behavioral shifts that could materially change driving patterns. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new Agile insurers that reinvent their consumer engagement models, digitize distribution and operations, and embrace big data and analytics will lead the industry. Across the US insurance industry, the impact will be uneven. For example, market research needs to reveal not just customers’ satisfaction with individual touchpoints, but also the overall drivers of satisfaction, including brand, product, price, and service, and how they contribute to business success, including policy renewal and cross-selling. The future may bring more remote-work call centers, lower commercial real estate costs, and more dispersed footprints across geographies, among other changes. In downturns, the ROI for retaining customers is often multiples of customer-acquisition spending, so customer retention becomes far more important. In addition to a positive impact on the customer experience, the efficiency gains yielded almost 30 percent savings, not to mention the potential improvement in loss ratio due to greater accuracy (Exhibit 4). However, using a consistent journey methodology and insights from measurement, they found that waiting time was not a major pain point for the customer. Enterprises using AI to improve inventory and parts optimization, pricing and promotion, customer-service analytics and sales & demand forecasting … Telematics would remove the guesswork and ambiguity, allowing usage-based pricing that is more equitable for the consumer and more precise for the insurance company. Also, the more value there is at stake in a claim, the more time customers are willing to spend in live interactions during the first notice of loss. Assessing possible behavioral changes against the length and magnitude of the economic downturn suggests four potential scenarios: pause and rebound, retrenchment, YOLO (“you only live once”), and black swan (Exhibit 6). Explore BCG’s latest thought leadership on insurance … For more … Step 3—Call out the “wow moments” and pain points, such as unnecessary wait times or delays in communication. The first step is often the most difficult—bringing customers into the room with the team to reveal what their real emotional journey looks like and rapidly testing ideas for improvement before taking them too far. Insights into the 2020 individual market—increased consumer choice and decreased premiums. The journey to the future-state model may accelerate, given the recognition that subsequent COVID-19 outbreaks or other pandemics could have a similar and sudden impact in the future. The authors wish to thank Simone Gammeri, Sascha Lehmann, and Philipp Schaumburg for their contributions to this article. Depending on the scenario, the projected combined ratio ranges from 97 (reflecting a slight improvement) to as high as 120 (reflecting a rapid and significant deterioration) (Exhibit 7). Many do so on a differentiated basis—by division, for example. For instance, mobility trends may pause if more people choose to own a car and drive everywhere because they think ride sharing and public transportation are too risky during a pandemic. Providing a strong customer experience is not just about reducing the risk of customer Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. Another potential shift is in driving behavior. Insurers must also appreciate the longer-term changes that this pandemic may precipitate in the industry. The combined ratio would benefit from decreased claims frequency because of less driving, and the pandemic may lead to more conservative, cautious driving behaviors. the benefits. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. cookies,, How to win in insurance: Climbing the power curve. In auto insurance, an average of 11% of customers switched carriers in the past year. Embedding behavioral research can also reveal which types of interactions customers prefer and how best to influence behavior. CEOs listening in to live call center phone calls or serving coffee to their customers are nice, powerful touches. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand, and the United States has now surpassed all other countries by number of cases. ... McKinsey … Carol S. North and Betty Pfefferbaum, “Mental health and the Covid-19 pandemic,” New England Journal of Medicine, April 13, 2020, They then use the momentum to scale up the improvements across the company, rolling out three or four customer journey categories at a time, with organizational owners for each. When there is less driving, there is a lower frequency of auto accidents. Potential solutions could include creating fair mechanisms for all stakeholders and adapting products and endorsements to respond to difficult conditions. A number of commercial lines carriers are using digital tools to improve journeys. any other customer-facing business. Those may be good starting points, but they rarely provide clear indications as to where and how to make improvements. 20 years. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. By Oskar Lingqvist, Candace Lun Plotkin, Jennifer Stanley While B2B organizations have embraced the idea of customer-centricity, many have yet to adapt to the reality of customer behavior. Few anticipated the pace at which the US economy would shut down and physical distancing would become so pervasive. Best-in-class players have already made some of these investments and are reaping cascading benefits. Another touted its “superior service” in a national ad campaign—and saw an immediate decline in its customer satisfaction scores, perhaps because reality did not live up to higher expectations. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. … Meeting these basic expectations serves as the foundation for strong customer … Carriers should plan for successive rounds of innovation, especially in digital, where expectations rise rapidly. Insurers should be proactive in working collaboratively with regulators to shape the appropriate public response, including state funds and assigned risk pools. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. However, the pandemic could precipitate structural changes in the market. The sudden drop in frequency followed by a rapid escalation could strain the accuracy of actuarial techniques and regulatory expectations. If insurance companies return premiums, the projected combined ratio of 98 might be slightly higher. In its “2012 Auto Insurance Customer Insights Research—Winning Share and Customer Loyalty in Auto Insurance,” consulting firm McKinsey surveyed over 17,000 people in what the firm’s … For example, in the past five years, US auto insurance carriers that have provided customers with consistently best-in-class experiences have generated two to four times more growth in new business and about 30 percent higher profitability than firms with an inconsistent customer focus, in part because satisfied customers are 80 percent more likely to renew their policies than unsatisfied customers (Exhibit 1). McKinsey’s The recent experience in several European countries in March 2020 illustrates this pattern: within less than 20 days of the pandemic reaching 100 cases, driving decreased by 50 and 80 percent in Germany and Iberia, respectively (Exhibit 4). Insurers need to invest human and financial resources in customer-centricity to build and maintain a competitive edge. sales, and profits. Many companies do well by starting with one or two small, rapid pilots to demonstrate impact and generate knowledge. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Over the past 50 years, the US personal auto insurance market seems to have been mostly non-correlated to the economy. Institutionalization: Build customer-centricity into the organization, changing culture and processes from the front line to the C-suite. Most transformations fail. Given that a disproportionate number of auto accidents come from a small cohort with less-disciplined tendencies, a small increase in the activities of this group could cause claims frequency to surge. Article Scale matters … to an extent: Playing the scale game in insurance ... McKinsey Insights … The unprecedented scope of this re-search allows us to examine whether assumptions about how consumers choose an auto insurance … Another large incumbent aimed to radically redesign its claims process from the customer perspective, relying heavily on digital to dramatically improve delivery. Looking back at previous recessions since 1970, the observed decrease in frequency seems to correlate to less driving (Exhibit 3). The biggest impact could come from insurers returning or reducing premiums for lower usage (an issue further explored later in this article). The first step is to align on what type of experience they want to deliver. and businesses on the wrong end of this spectrum usually pay a price. A number of airlines now see customer service as one of the few remaining ways to stand out from the crowd and are reaping While the exact outcome of the pandemic is uncertain, US personal auto insurers must navigate several implications in their response to the crisis and strategic planning: If the economic contraction is significant and unemployment exceeds 20 percent, credit scores will implode and current pricing schema may fail, especially if aggressive driving behavior becomes prevalent or extreme social-inflation factors exacerbate ongoing severity trends. In most countries, more than half of all insurance customers are digitally active, meaning they go online to research products and/or conduct important interactions with providers. First, claims frequency will initially go down. As new-car sales decrease, auto insurance will slow down. Please try again later. This is just one reason firms across all industries should increase their focus on providing great customer experience. Tailwinds at the time, including all-time-high oil prices (resulting in less driving) and a newly imposed nationwide 55-mile-per-hour speed limit, should have improved profitability but did not. Download the PDF of this report here (PDF–344KB). service mishaps. Establishing cross-functional, multichannel customer experiences should be a CEO and board-level priority. The pay-as-you-live model is especially popular among health insurance providers, which is aimed at improving controllable behaviors to lower insurance … Carol S. North and Betty Pfefferbaum, “Mental health and the Covid-19 pandemic,”, John Branch, “Whoosh! collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners US auto insurers must engage in rigorous scenario planning for multiple outcomes over the next 12 to 18 months and evaluate investment priorities. One carrier spent a significant sum upgrading its telephone system to reduce the average wait time from 40 to 20 seconds, but barely improved its customer feedback. With the prospect of pandemics recurring in the future, telematics directly addresses the consumer need to pay lower premiums when vehicles have lower utilization during periods of lockdown.
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