The same can’t be said for Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara. #Crusade! Traditional #Catholic; Lay Evangelist #Fatima. 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,474 Explore posts in the same categories: Dave Armstrong, Papal Infallibility This entry was posted on February 24, 2012 at 8:04 pm and is filed under Dave Armstrong, Papal Infallibility.You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Mass Movements: Radical Catholic Reactionaries, the New Mass, and Ecumenism. Hello Everyone, Professional Catholic Apologist, Dave Armstrong, over at the Patheos Catholic channel, at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, has just delivered an excellent apologetic post today. Free shipping for many products! $26.95. Thanks for continuing with the cordial discussion. charles coulombe: attendance at sspx not grave disobedience. The name-calling of Catholics who hold fast to the truth and tradition is appalling. Dave Armstrong even jumped on the bandwagon and did a rebuttal of the post over at his blog. Catholic theology of sexuality, like Catholic theology in general, is drawn from natural law, canonical scripture, divine revelation, and sacred tradition, as interpreted authoritatively by the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Armstrong puts himself forward as an apologist. Vatican II was a mass extinction event of Catholic faith. Armstrong rejects Protestant explanations (that this was isolated and unusual and restricted to the apostolic age) of Acts 15:28 as if they were the only arguments against this passage teaching infallibility. Add to Cart. The Catholic Church discouraged her members from reading the Bible before Vatican II. Here's a couple of examples I will be exploring, which have had some work done on them: 1) "Vatican II got rid of Latin In the Mass. List Price: $19.95 ... More > “inauthentic” and inferior Catholic worship, and to dismiss Vatican II and true ecumenism.< Less. By Dave Armstrong Jul 7, 2016 Voices Pope Francis greets people after visiting the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square after a New Year’s Eve prayer service in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. November 29, 2020 at 6:15 pm. Timothy Flanders July 30, 2020. ... Excerpts from an article by Dave Armstrong . Just discovering this now, for some reason. They continue proof-texting except now with various papal statements interpreted through the lens of VAtican II… I appreciate it. Having never read anything written by this man in the past, I see no point in starting now. Reply. This puts one at risk of a pseudo heresy which Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong describes as “Reactionary” characterized by the belief that there are serious faults with the documents of Vatican II, the Nous Ordo mass, and popes since the council. It is satanic. Dave Armstrong First Wave Horror Channel, 000 Magazine For Sale, Amazing Life Meaning, Most Successful Personal Blogs, Birthday Food Ideas Pinoy,