Chai Patel, of JCWI, said: "Our research scares me because the people we talked to were far less vulnerable than other groups hidden in exploitative working conditions, who no one has been able to reach to ask questions. Chai Patel, a legal policy director of one such group, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) said in his missive that the UK government’s actions might violate the UN Refugee Convention as it states that refugees cannot face penalties over their illegal entry or presence on a territory of a nation. The JCWI said it was preparing to appeal against the ruling at the supreme court and renewed calls for the scheme to be repealed. Prior to that he was in the Human Rights department at Leigh Day, working on abuse and human rights claims, and on the death penalty team at Reprieve, focussing on international strategic litigation, casework, and investigation. Chai joined JCWI in 2015. Now that the High Court has confirmed that Theresa May’s policy actively causes discrimination, Parliament must act immediately to scrap it. The JCWI is calling for an immediate lifting of the deadline and automatic settled status for EU citizens in Britain. And it has been run in a way that – by the Home Office’s admission – discriminates, singling out … The immigration system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up to monitor for such bias and to root it out,” said Chai Patel, Legal Policy Director of JCWI. Chai Patel, Legal Policy Director, JCWI John Stewart, Policy Manager for the Residential Landlords Association, added that the ruling “is a damning critique of a flagship Government policy”. Chai Patel, legal policy director for the JCWI, said: “There is no place for racism in the UK housing market. Chai Patel, of JCWI, said: “Our research scares me because the people we talked to were far less vulnerable than other groups hidden in exploitative working conditions, who no one has been able to reach to ask questions. Chai Patel, JCWI's legal policy director, told Sky News that their legal challenge will argue that the Right to Rent scheme breaches discrimination laws. Chai Patel, of JCWI, said: “Our research scares me because the people we talked to were far less vulnerable than other groups hidden in exploitative working conditions, who no one has been able to reach to ask questions. Chai Patel, legal policy director of JCWI, said in a statement: “The Home Office’s own independent review of the Windrush scandal found that it was oblivious to the racist assumptions and systems it operates. This he says, creates a “digital hostile environment”. Speaking to Sky News, Chai Patel, legal policy director for the JCWI, said the judicial review case brought by the council would argue that the policy breached discrimination laws. Chai Patel, legal policy director of JCWI, said the Windrush scandal had shown the Home Office was "oblivious to the racist assumptions and systems it operates". Chai Patel is Legal & Policy Director at the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). Chai Patel, JCWI's legal policy director, was quoted in the Financial Times as saying the new provisions in the rules meant "[t]hat's no longer true for hundreds of thousands of people because the key thing about removal orders is they can be made at any time." Chai Patel, legal policy director at JCWI, welcomed the decision and called for reform to the immigration system. “This streaming tool took decades of institutionally racist practices, such as targeting particular nationalities for immigration raids, and turned them into software,” he said. The JCWI is asking that the inconsistency with the government promise be removed. For detailed consideration of ILPA’s position and comments, see the written submissions prepared by Sonia Lenegan (Legal Director, ILPA), and Charles Bishop, (Legal Officer, ILPA) here. We had asked the Court to declare the streaming algorithm unlawful, and to order a halt to its use to assess visa applications, pending a review. Chai Patel, Legal Policy Director of JCWI, said last Tuesday: "Today's win represents the UK's first successful court challenge to an algorithmic decision system. JCWI is the first to admit that its data isn’t perfect, and the Home Office could easily run definitive studies to confirm or disprove the outcome - if it wanted to. Chai Patel, legal policy director for JCWI, has accused the home secretary, Sajid Javid, of failing to deliver on a pledge to “learn the lessons” of the Windrush scandal, which left many thousands of legal immigrants to the UK destitute, detained, and even deported. Patel is especially concerned that “enforcement actions against EU nationals have increased since the EU referendum and more and more EU nationals, especially the homeless, are being targeted for removal, although in many cases this has proven to be unlawful”. And it has been run in a way that, by the Home Office’s admission, discriminates, singling out … Foxglove, which supports the JCWI’s legal campaign against the tool, categorises the tool as … Chai Patel, JCWI's legal policy director, said: “The Home Office’s ‘streaming tool’ has for years had a major effect on who has the right to come here to work, study, or see loved ones. Chai Patel, JCWI’s legal policy director, added: “We know from the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration that Home Office enforcement activity is primarily targeted at … Chai Patel is Legal & Policy Director at the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). Chai Patel, the JCWI legal policy director, said: “The Home Office’s ‘streaming tool’ has for years had a major effect on who has the right to come here to work, study or see loved ones. Chai Patel is legal policy director at the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). 1 A Short Guide to Access to NHS Health Care for Migrants March 2018 For further information please contact: Chai Patel Legal Policy Director The JCWI’s legal policy director, Chai Patel, said the policy may violate the UN’s Refugee Convention, which states that nations must “not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees”. "The Home Office's own independent review of the Windrush scandal found it was oblivious to the racist assumptions and systems it operates," said Chai Patel, Legal Policy Director of JCWI. The JCWI’s legal policy director, Chai Patel, said: “The Home Office’s ‘streaming tool’ has for years had a major effect on who has the right to come here to work, study or see loved ones.” The opinions in's Comment and Analysis section are those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the website or its owners. JCWI’s legal policy director, Chai Patel, said: “We know from the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration that Home Office enforcement activity is primarily targeted at only a few nationalities that are easy to remove, so it is likely that information about ‘high … Further to this, Chai Patel, Legal Policy Director at the JCWI outlined that the way the streaming tool has been run “discriminates,” and ultimately “[singles] out some people as ‘suspect’ and others as somehow more trustworthy,” based on the country they come from. The session also includes evidence from Chai Patel of JCWI, Bella Sankey of Detention Action, Colin Yeo of Free Movement, and Andy Hewett of the Refugee Council. Chai Patel, the JCWI legal policy director, said: “The Home Office’s ‘streaming tool’ has for years had a major effect on who has the right to come here to work, study or see loved ones. “(Prime Minister) Boris Johnson and Priti Patel promised that EU citizens would automatically be allowed to stay in the U.K. after Brexit,” said JCWI’s legal policy director Chai Patel. Chai Patel, JCWI (the Home Office visa streaming algorithm case) Carla Clarke, CPAG (challenges to automation at the Department for Work and Pensions) Megan Goulding, Liberty (the Bridges facial recognition case) Professor Tijmen Wismen, Vrije Universiteit (the SyRI risk algorithm case) 12:00-13:00: Case study Chai joined JCWI in 2015. But as Chai Patel, legal director at JCWI, told me: “The Government made no effort beyond the pilot to monitor the effects of the scheme. Chai Patel, legal policy director of JCWI, said the Windrush scandal had shown the Home Office was "oblivious to the racist assumptions and systems it operates".
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