Introduction. Find out more about My Account. Cllr Aphra Brandreth said the group would also hold Hammersmith and Fulham council, which owns the bridge, to account … Hammersmith & Fulham Council, London, United Kingdom. Creating a "My Account" gives you quick and secure access to many of our services including council tax and benefits. Hammersmith & Fulham Council, London, United Kingdom. Understanding your lease, service charges, selling your property, sub-letting and other aspects of your leasehold. News, events and consultations in your borough. Home Other services. This is a site celebrating life in the wonderful borough of Hammersmith and Fulham; offering a residents a forum to express their views; and holding the Council to account. There is no instalment facility but if you are experiencing difficulty in paying the account, you can telephone the Council to discuss payment. The council’s Conservative group proposed an amendment to next year’s budget to provide a £2million capital contribution for the repairs to Hammersmith Bridge. The chance to gain employment following completion of your apprenticeship either with the council or another organization . It says residents should be represented by 50 councillors. 3.2K likes. Welcome to Tennis In Hammersmith & Fulham. ... You can cancel your booking via your account area. News, events and consultations in your borough. Major works Pay your Council Tax We've matched this postcode to London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. Home; Other services; Before you begin. Plus major works, building insurance and other aspects of your service charge. Welcome to the official Hammersmith & Fulham Council Facebook page. Hammersmith & Fulham Council is the collecting agent. Sign up for an account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. From community gardens to community kitchens, pop-up markets to food waste projects, and festivals to art installations, if you have an idea that will make your local area better, create your project page today and start to make it a reality! You can get information on their website. The Hammersmith & Fulham Hive offers a creative way for the community to shape our borough through crowdfunded projects. How we work out your service charge and how to pay it. The BID levy is paid direct to the Council on 1st April or for new ratepayers within 14 days of the account being sent to you. Home. Welcome to the official Hammersmith & Fulham Council Facebook page. Register; Login. Hammersmith & Fulham Council website - we provide services and information for residents, local businesses, and the local community. H&F Report It (Love Clean Streets) Home Buy portal; Housing register application; Housing repairs If you are interested in joining our scheme, you need to meet the following entry requirement: be a 16+ Hammersmith and Fulham resident or Hammersmith & Fulham care leaver. Council leaseholders Your leasehold. Hammersmith & Fulham - My Account. The Commission has published final recommendations for changes in Hammersmith & Fulham. It has reviewed Hammersmith & Fulham to make sure councillors will represent about the same number of electors, and that ward arrangements will help the council work effectively. There are eight parks across the Borough where you can play - With 36 courts and 6 mini courts, that are available for members of public to book. 3.3K likes. Your service charge.
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